This unique flower arrangement is made on a coffee mug and comes with a bag of Rincon Specialty Coffee. Enjoy its rich, flavorful notes of wood, vanilla, and chocolate, with a light acidity and delight your sight with a combination of tulips, greenery, daisies & hypericum - all in one cup!
Rincón Specialty Coffee is an exquisite blend of Arabica beans, carefully roasted to provide a low-acid blend that is smooth and delicious. Enjoy the unique flavor while daydreaming about Rincón sunsets.
Experience the beauty of sunset in your own home with our Sunset Roast! Our unique floral arrangement made with freshly-ground puerto rican coffee and a classic French press is sure to bring warmth and joy to any occasion. How can you resist the alluring aroma and entrancing colors of our sunset-inspired masterpiece? Make your morning special with Sunset Roast!